Delete Warehouse Product

Hi @tomasw!

It’s true, the warehouse don’t appear in the warehouse list but when i use the warehouse_product query with this warehouse_id, there I find a huge list of products in this warehouse (request_id: 603f51ec96f844b35994ce60) with the product that i want to delete (cursor: YXJyYXljb25uZWN0aW9uOjYwMw==).

This isn’t an isolate problem, because i try to delete a product that is in a warehouse that appear in the list and the query return me an error with code 22 (request_id: 603f4f3ed51c1d0e203477e3).

Related to this topic, I created the other one (Active field in Warehouses info) in which I talked about the “active” field for warehouses, because having this field, we could use the warehouse_product query filtering by active products and active warehouses.

Thanks in advance and sorry for my large reply!