Error deleting a warehouse product

Hello, we’re getting “Unexpected Error” while deleting some products.
This request was successful, for example -

  "query": "mutation ($data:DeleteWarehouseProductInput!){warehouse_product_delete(data: $data){request_id}}",
  "variables": {
    "data": {
      "sku": "McDowell-ToothPaste",
      "warehouse_id": "V2FyZWhvdXNlOjg1NTIy",
      "customer_account_id": "68828"

But, this one (made after the previous one) wasn’t -

  "query": "mutation ($data:DeleteWarehouseProductInput!){warehouse_product_delete(data: $data){request_id}}",
  "variables": {
    "data": {
      "sku": "Beyes",
      "warehouse_id": "V2FyZWhvdXNlOjg1NTIy",
      "customer_account_id": "68973"

and resulted in this response -

  "errors": [
      "message": "Unexpected Error",
      "operation": "warehouse_product_delete",
      "field": "warehouse_product_delete",
      "request_id": "6343a04886f30786148614b8",
      "code": 22
  "data": {
    "warehouse_product_delete": null
  "extensions": {
    "throttling": {
      "estimated_complexity": 5,
      "cost": 5,
      "cost_detail": {
        "warehouse_product_delete": {
          "items_count": 0,
          "cost": 5,
          "total_cost": 5,
          "fields": {}
      "user_quota": {
        "credits_remaining": 2002,
        "max_available": 2002,
        "increment_rate": 30

Can anyone share what may be the issue here?

Hey @archit_toptal,

Thanks for reaching out and welcome to our Developer Community!
I’ll start looking into this error and get back to you with an update.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


Hey @archit_toptal,

Thanks for hanging in there.

I believe this issue will have to be escalated to our Engineering Team.
I’ll come back to you with updates and workarounds if any.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!


Thank you, please keep me updated.

Hey @sh-agent, did you folks find something here?

Hey @archit_toptal,

The ticket I made for this issue is still making its way to our Engineering Team. I can let you know when it gets picked up.

Thank you for your continued patience.


Hey @sh-agent, is it possible for you to escalate this?

Hey @archit_toptal,

I’ve bumped this issue. I can let you know when it gets picked up by an Engineer.
Do you by chance have any more SKU’s in which you’ve noticed this problem?

Thanks for hanging in there!


Thanks for that!
Here’s some SKUs that responded with “Unexpected Error” - Avanti-toothpaste-dispenser, BTJ-ToothPaste, Avanti-NB-Fish Oil, Microflex Med Safegrip, BTJ-Horizon, Matt-Seche.
And here’s some that didn’t (and got deleted successfully) - ToothpasteDis-PepperUn, Chotter-9Lives, Lighthouse-LorAnn-Princess

Hey @archit_toptal,

Thanks for the quick reply!

I’ll go ahead and add this to the ticket, while also looking for a work around while it makes its way through the process.

Your patience is much appreciated.


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Hey @sh-agent, have you folks been able to figure this out?

Hey @archit_toptal,

Thanks for hanging in there!

The ticket is still making its way to our Engineers.
Have you tried deleting these products through the UI? (if this is successful could you leave one or two SKU’s undeleted so the Engineering Team can troubleshoot?)

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


Hey @sh-agent, directly deleting from the UI will likely break things for our software so for now we’ve decided to not do that.

Has any engineer been able to take a look at this? We’re facing a deteriorated UX for the last 3 weeks and it’d really help if someone can figure out the issue here as soon as possible.

Hey @archit_toptal,

Thanks for your patience!

Unfortunately, this ticket is still going through the process.
However, we do think we were able to find a workaround for the time being. Could you try removing the SKU’s thumbnails/product images first, then try to delete them?

Let me know if that works!


Hey @archit_toptal,

Just wanted to let you know that this ticket has made it’s way to the Engineer’s Queue, so hopefully soon we’ll be able to get a proper workaround / fix for this issue.

Thanks for hanging in there, it is very much appreciated!


Hey @sh-agent, I tried deleting kit-test-peeler and test-peeler-kit-m2n which didn’t have any images and got the same error with the API. Both were kits fwiw. I was then able to delete them from the UI (post clearing their bins). This was around a week back.

Has your engineering team been able to make inroads here?

Hey @archit_toptal,

That’s great that you were able to get them deleted, I’ll add your steps to the ticket.
Unfortunately. this ticket is still in the Engineers Queue due to a pretty big backlog. It should be getting looked at soon.

Thank you so much for your patience, let me know if there’s anything I can do to assist!
