Export Order Through API In Shiphero Getting Forbidden Issue

Hi @bhautik!
You can include those filters, but as for the
From Date : 24/09/2020
To Date : 25/09/2020

They will refer to the date in which the order was created, not shipped.
You could use updated_from and updated_to for that purpose I believe

As for the fields you could add the ones we display on the shipment example or use the schema to see all the available fields and connections

At the shipment level shop is not available, but you can include that field on the order part.

Let me know if that doesn’t help.
Thanks again!

Hi @tomasw

can you please check this Request while Export Order to Shiphero we pass the country code,state code,email but set the value none…can you please tell me what was the wrong…

request ID : 5f72b21f8f5781c36a8d6b40 , 5f72c719ce81d4772b563788


Country code and state code needs to be sent in as country & state actually, something like this:

        state: "AL"
        zip: "36111"
        country: "US"
        email: "exampleEmail@gmail.com"

And the email will be seen on the UI with the Billing address in case it helps.
Let me know if that doesn’t help.
Thanks again!