Create Order Shipping Method Issue

Hello Team,
i have created and order with the mutation attached below , it supposed to be created with shipment method :“Retiro en tienda” or “PickATStore” but it’s created on shiphero with “Shipping Method:Next Day” what 's the problem ?

GraphQlSevice.MutationAsyc-call-mutation {
data: { order_number: “PA-test_paris1” shop_name: “Beautrend” customer_account_id: “QWNjb3VudDo3NDEwOQ==” fulfillment_status: “pending” order_date: “4/9/2024 4:22:11 PM” profile: “default” required_ship_date: “4/9/2024 4:20:59 PM” shipping_lines: { method: “Retiro en tienda” title: “API” price: “0.0” carrier: “api” }total_tax: “0.0” subtotal: “13990.000” total_price:“13990.000” shipping_address: {first_name: “am” last_name: “mamdouh” address1: “” address2: “” city: “” state: “” country: “CL” country_code:“CL” email: “” phone: “01210365983” }line_items: [{ sku: “10100” partner_line_item_id: “1564340592” quantity:1 price: “13990.0000” warehouse_id: “V2FyZWhvdXNlOjg2OTc5”},]
) {
order {

Hello @ahmadMamdouh! If you follow this URL logged in to that account, you will find all methods mapped for it. You can see there that when the Shipping Name is API, the orders map to next day automatically. That field correlates to shipping_name in your mutation. I suggest you use a different shipping_title and map it accordingly in the dashboard in the URL I shared.

Have a great day!