we want to update the inventory to specific location in shiphero. we can pass the parameter location_id but how do we get all the available locations in our account. Could not find any API for the same.
Can you guide please?
Thanks and regards
Hello @saif_storage!
Yo get locations you have available the locations
query: https://developer.shiphero.com/wp-content/uploads/spectaql/#query-locations
The inventory snapshot also returns information on locations per SKU: Inventory-Snapshot – Developer Resources | ShipHero
Finally, the warehouse_products
object also has a connection to the locations
to pull locations for that SKU in that warehouse: https://developer.shiphero.com/wp-content/uploads/spectaql/#definition-WarehouseProduct
Have a great day!
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Thank you. I am checking, will get back if there is some issue
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