Missing fields in product_update mutation

In the old API we can update a product with the following data. That is not possible with the GraphQL API:

  • images
  • value
  • value_currency
  • price
  • customs_value
  • active (status)
  • brand (seems to be removed completely - why is that?)

We need to be able to update images, value, price and customs_value!

  • Also the following isn’t possible to set on product create:
  • value_currency
  • active

Since value_currency is removed, does that mean all currencies will use the default currency? What if a product uses another currency than the default, and we want to switch?

How do we disable/change the active state on a product with the new API?

Can I please get a reply on this issue?

Hi @Webtimisten!
I apologize I missed your post here.

As for product Images you can find it on the product_update Mutation, something like this:

mutation {
    data: { sku: "123456", images: { src: "image1.png", position: 1 } }
  ) {

Because they will be the same for all of the warehouses. But for the others you will have to use the warehouse_product_update Mutation because they are specific to each warehouse, something like this:

mutation {
    data: {
      sku: "1122334473"
      warehouse_id: "V2FyZWhvdXNlOjExNzkw"
      value: "0.10"
      value_currency: "USD"
      price: "1.00"
      customs_value: "2.00"
  ) {

As for Brand it was deprecated because it was not being used in the code or displayed in the UI.
To be able to set a product as Inactive currently the only way of doing that is on the UI, but if you want I could create a Feature Request for that to be added as well.

For the value_currency when creating the Product, you should also be able to find it under the warehouse_products connection, this is:

mutation {
    data: {
      sku: "TESTsku"
      name: "TESTsku"
      warehouse_products: {
        on_hand: 0
        warehouse_id: "V2FyZWhvdXNlOjExNzkw"
        value_currency: "USD"
  ) {

Thanks again for the patience! and please let me know if there is anything else I could help with

Thanks, Tom.

We need a way to set outdated products to inactive via API, so please prioritize the option to do that.

Absolutely @Webtimisten!
I submitted the ticket for that and will let you know as soon as it gets approved for the change
Thanks again!

Hi @tomasw ! I was wondering if there’s been any update on including the “active” field in a mutation. Like with webtimisten, we also need to be able to do a mass update and mark products as inactive via the API.


Hi, sorry to revive an old thread but we’d also like to set the active/inactive status of products via the GraphQL API - is there any update on when that might be available?


Hi @steveday
Thanks for reaching out!
We don’t have an ETA yet, unfortunately, the task has not been prioritized yet as our resources for Public API have their priorities shifted to other tasks.
We have just asked our engineers to see if we can get an ETA and will let you know.
Thanks in advance for the patience!


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