Not enough Credits during Bulk Shipping

When we do bulk shipping, 90% of the orders are giving errors.
We are only able to process 15 orders in one time.

In log we see this error:

“errors”: [
“code”: 30,
“message”: “There are not enough credits to perform the requested operation, which requires 101 credits, but the are only 63 left. In 3 seconds you will have enough credits to perform the operation”,
“operation”: “order”,
“request_id”: “60d08240da5e7a30a589641e”,
“required_credits”: 101,
“remaining_credits”: 63,
“time_remaining”: “3 seconds”
“data”: {
“order”: null

How can we solve this problem? Can we increase the credits?

Hi @Jamalbbb!

After you bulk ship you are making the order query to get some information from the order, correct?

In that case, you could set up some time between requests so you don’t get the message.

Thanks in advance!