Order_date and shipments created_date are changed

are Order_date and created_date changed after creation?
I’ve found that when I pull shipments data, it’s exact same shipment (same shipment_id, order_id, order_number etc) but order_date and created_date were different.

For example,
Last night, when I pulled data

"node": {
            "id": "U2hpcG1lbnQ6MTE5OTc1MzUz",
            "legacy_id": 119975353,
            "order_id": "",
            "warehouse_id": "",
            "created_date": "2020-12-29T15:52:37-05:00",
            "line_items": {
              "edges": [
                  "node": {
                    "id": "",
                    "legacy_id": 213439975,
                    "line_item_id": "",
                    "shipment_id": "U2hpcG1lbnQ6MTE5OTc1MzUz",
                    "shipping_label_id": "",
                    "quantity": 1,
                    "line_item": {
                      "id": "",
                      "legacy_id": ,
                      "sku": "",
                      "quantity_shipped": 1
            "shipping_labels": [
                "id": "",
                "shipment_id": "U2hpcG1lbnQ6MTE5OTc1MzUz",
                "order_id": "",
                "order_number": "",
                "status": "valid",
                "tracking_number": "",
                "carrier": "",
                "shipping_name": "",
                "shipping_method": "",
                "cost": "",
                "dimensions": {
                  "weight": "0.0083 lb",
                  "height": "0.60 inch",
                  "width": "38.10 inch",
                  "length": "30.50 inch"
                "profile": "",
                "warehouse": "",
                "source": ""
            "order": {
              "id": "",
              "legacy_id": ,
              "order_number": "",
              "order_date": "2020-12-25T18:02:39-05:00"
          "cursor": "YXJyYXljb25uZWN0aW9uOjc4MTQ="

this morning, when I pulled data,

            "node": {
              "id": "U2hpcG1lbnQ6MTE5OTc1MzUz",
              "legacy_id": 119975353,
              "order_id": "",
              "warehouse_id": "",
              "created_date": "2020-12-29T20:52:37+00:00",
              "line_items": {
                "edges": [
                    "node": {
                      "id": "",
                      "legacy_id": ,
                      "line_item_id": "",
                      "shipment_id": "U2hpcG1lbnQ6MTE5OTc1MzUz",
                      "shipping_label_id": "",
                      "quantity": 1,
                      "line_item": {
                        "id": "",
                        "legacy_id": ,
                        "sku": "",
                        "quantity_shipped": 1
              "shipping_labels": [
                  "id": "",
                  "shipment_id": "U2hpcG1lbnQ6MTE5OTc1MzUz",
                  "order_id": "",
                  "order_number": "",
                  "status": "valid",
                  "tracking_number": "",
                  "carrier": "",
                  "shipping_name": "",
                  "shipping_method": "",
                  "cost": "",
                  "dimensions": {
                    "weight": "0.0083 lb",
                    "height": "0.60 inch",
                    "width": "38.10 inch",
                    "length": "30.50 inch"
                  "profile": "",
                  "warehouse": "",
                  "source": ""
              "order": {
                "id": "",
                "legacy_id": ,
                "order_number": "",
                "order_date": "2020-12-25T23:02:39+00:00"
            "cursor": "YXJyYXljb25uZWN0aW9uOjA="

I’ve deleted values for privacy, but they are exactly same but time of created_date and order_date are changed.
Do you have any idea why this is happening?

Thank you

Hi @heyjess
Thanks for that detailed explanation!
Do you happen to have the request_id by any chance? That way I can see if there are any discrepancies between the queries and see what might be happening

Thanks in advance!

first one
“request_id”: “5fec2d97cf0ec07adc81d8bf”

second one
“request_id”: “5fec99be81259f08f6ede751”

Thank you!

I’ve figured out that this is because of UTC time difference. :sweat_smile:

1 Like

That makes sense :sweat_smile:
Thank you for confirming that @heyjess !