UPDATE: New fields for Inventory Update Webhook

We have updated our Inventory Update Webhook with new fields:

  • sell_ahead: Units from inbounds that have not yet been received and are flagged as available for sale.
  • qty_in_totes: These are the units that were physically moved to totes after a pick.
  • reserve: Units marked as reserve inventory to reduce the available quantity for sale.
  • non_sellable: The amount of units in non-sellable bins.
    "account_id": 63898,
    "account_uuid": "QWNjb3VudDo2Mzg5OA==",
    "webhook_type": "Inventory Update",
    "inventory": [
            "sku": "string",
            "inventory": "113",
            "backorder_quantity": "0",
            "on_hand": "148",
            "virtual": false,
            "sell_ahead": 20,
            "qty_in_totes": 1,
            "reserve": 45,
            "updated_warehouse": {
                "warehouse_id": 12345,
                "warehouse_uuid": "V2FyZWhvdXNlJHIKby",
                "identifier": "Primary",
                "inventory": "13",
                "backorder_quantity": "0",
                "on_hand": "48",
                "sell_ahead": 10,
                "qty_in_totes": 1,
                "reserve": 25,
                "non_sellable": 250
            "non_sellable": 1250

These fields are already available and, in some cases, addressable in the UI.

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