I need to get the account details for each inventory_change using a 3PL account.
I am running this query using a 3PL parent API key to first get all the accounts.
{ account { request_id complexity data { customers { edges { node { id warehouses { company_alias } } } } } } }
I then run this query using the same 3PL parent API key to get inventory_changes:
{ inventory_changes(date_from:“2021-04-05”){ request_id complexity data(first: 25 ){ pageInfo{ hasNextPage endCursor} edges{ node {location_id user_id account_id warehouse_id sku previous_on_hand change_in_on_hand reason location {name} created_at} } } } }
I am getting “inventory_changes” returned with “account_id” values that do not exist in the previous “account” query result.
What exactly does the “account_id” represent in the “inventory_changes” result? Why am I not getting this account returned in the “accounts” query?
Is there a better way to get account details joined with inventory_changes?