Add new line item to update purchase order

While creating purchase order, we can’t add new line item, we get Unable to sync purchase order update Invalid SKU S17B, no line item exists for the purchase order 964269

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Hello @Joshua.o!

Could you share with us a Request ID from an unsuccessful API call?

Have a great day!


Hello @joshua.o!

Are you trying to add the line item after the purchase order was created or on creating?

Kind regards,

I am trying to add the line item after the purchase order has been created, the API docs doesn’t show how to add line item

Hello @joshua.o!

Unfortunately, we still don’t support adding line items after the PO was created.

I will add your concern to the existing feature request.

Kind regards,

Alright thank you very much for your help. this is noted

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@tomasfd any update on this? we also require this functionality

Hello @daniellanger. This hasn’t been implemented yet and there is no timeline for it either.