Purchase order creation allows broken data

CreatePurchaseOrderLineItemInput has a fulfillment_status field that is currently not required. This currently will create a purchase order within ShipHero. However, this doesn’t fully link the products to the purchase order:

  • in the “old” dashboard, the on_hand count is not correctly updated
  • in the “old” dashboard, the purchase order will not appear in the product details page
  • in purchase-orders.shiphero.com, the purchase order will not have any line items.

We were able to fix this by submitting Pending for the fulfillment_status on new purchase orders.

Two things should be done:

  1. The field should be required (or the errant behavior should be fixed)
  2. Acceptable values for fulfillment_status should be documented (the lack of documentation was the reason we didn’t include it in the first place)
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Hi @david
Thank you very much for the details, thorough explanation and suggestions on how to fix this! It really helps.
Will keep working on documentation and try to expedite this fix so future PO doesn’t have that same issue.
Thanks again, and I will let you know as soon as I have an update about this.

Hi @david
I wanted you to know that a fix for this has been implemented.
Now, if you don’t include the fulfillment_status: “pending” on the line items it will assign them pending by default.
Please let me know if theres anything else I can help with.
Thanks for the patience o this!

@tomasw, great news, thanks!

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