`allocation_reference` (Webhooks, Orders)

Hello :smile_cat:

It appears on the “Order Allocated” and “Order Deallocated” webhooks pass allocation_reference as an integer, of what looks to be a legacy_id.

However, when querying allocations {} on a given Order, the allocation_reference is a string, that looks like a node_id.

The field is called allocation_reference in both instances.

Is there any way to match the two? I would suggest passing both the legacy_id and node_id in both instances.


Hey @kokua,

Thanks for reaching out!

I see what you mean; the webhook sends the value as the legacy_id, and the query returns the value encoded. They should both be the same ID, just that one is decoded and one isn’t. I will go ahead and pass along this feedback to the team.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


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Thanks @sh-agent! Is there any way for us to encode/decode ourselves?

Hey @kokua,

Since the value is encoded in base64, you should be able to decode with any decoders you’re able to find online.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!


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