We are using ShipHero and observe that products & orders frequently go out of sync. There is no way we can handle/attend to these manually.
API that allows us to call reship
This will allow us to reship items on orders. As we cannot process orders manually (100+/day), this will allow us to automate all reship cases.
API that allows us to call reprocess in SKU
We will run this for all SKUs available in negative or when there is both available & back-ordered.
API that allows us to call reprocess the order.
We have also seen orders out of sync. This will help us reprocess orders at a cadance.
Thanks for hanging in there while I investigated this.
Unfortunately, #2 and #3 aren’t possible through our Public API. I’m going to continue investigating #1.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Around 10-12 products daily go in negative available inventory, and I am not sure how many have both backorders & available > 0.
There is no way we can have a human can process these reliably every day, The permanent solution for this is an API that allows us to reprocess inventory, or a scheduler on your side that clears these inconsistencies.
This is something that we are facing everyday, hence a request for API. If there is another permanent solution, happy to implement that on our side.
That’s definitely something that shouldn’t be happening. Could I get some more information on that problem? Examples, screenshots and the like. Maybe we can solve this problem at the root.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
I understand the issue now.
It seems that the Available quantity is calculated by subtracting the Allocated from the On Hand, hence the negative values. As you’re aware reprocessing said SKU will fix this issue by putting the negative amount into the Backorder column.
Unfortunately, these SKU’s will need to be reprocessed through the UI.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!