Cancel Item via API

Hi all. Please could somebody provide me how can I cancel order item or cancel some qty from item? via REST API

Hi @kotofanik!
You could use the Order Update endpoint and send a field for that specific SKU “fulfillment_status”:“canceled”
Let me know if this works for you,

HI @tomasw I tried this api key, but it don`t work as expected:
Here is my request
“token”: “”,
“shiphero_id”: “108675948”,
“email”: “”,
“line_items”: [
“id”: “318572264”,
“sku”: “35850109610590601065”,
“quantity”: “0”,
“fulfillment_status”: “canceled”

but result is:

  1. Created new line item with same sku, (not updated needed line item). See screenshot

Hi @kotofanik!
That is because your
“id”: “318572264” doesn’t match the one on the order, so it will create a new line item with that id.

This “id” should match the “partner_line_item_id” you see when using the get-order endpoint.

Let me know if this solves it,

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