Remove Purchase Order line items via API

Hi team,

Is there a way to remove line items in POs via API?

Best Regards,

Hi Edwin,
You can cancel the whole purchase order, but not by line items.

Is this a feature that ShipHero will consider? To be able to add or remove lines in POs.

I will happily write up a ticket for consideration. We are always looking to make it better where we can! At this step typically comes the business application and reason for the request. Removing line items can be accomplished in the UI. What is your use case?

Hi Theresa, yes.

We are trying to integrate ShipHero with our systems and currently our customers use our dashboard to create, update, and delete inbound orders. We would like to be able to propagate these actions into ShipHero. This follows a similar request from a year ago (albeit on adding line items), to which a feature request was already raised. I had also asked in that thread if there may be an update.

Thanks much Theresa for all the help.


Hi Edwin,
I am checking to see about more information on that.

Hi Theresa, wondering if there might be updates.

I do not have an update.

Could it work changing the quantity to 0 on PO line items as opposed to cancel?