Connecting third party shipping providers via API

Hey @karan19sukhija,

Thanks for hanging in there!

  1. The quantity value under the line items edge can determine the amount of items in a package. If there are 2 line items, and the first line item has a quantity of 1 while the second line item has a quantity of 2. The total number of items in the packages would be 3. The packages will always reflect how they were packed regarding line items inside.

  2. The weight in oz field in package 1 is the total weight of package 1. Using the line_item weight to calculate the package’s total weight is unreliable because the product’s weight field is set on product creation and can be set to 0.

  3. The company_name under the from_address will tell you which company the package shipped from, but if you’re looking for the carrier name, you return that in the response.

  4. I don’t believe there is a field in the GLW for special delivery instructions.

  5. The account_id in the GLW tells you which ShipHero account the shipment is coming from.

  6. The order_id or order_number field. There is also the partner_order_id field, which may be of use.

  7. No field is present in the payload sent for delivery type.

  8. The payload has no field for the expected delivery date.

  9. There is no field in the payload for load reference id.

  10. There is no field for total cost. In your response, you can set the cost of each package.

  11. The weight in oz field is in ounces, of course. I believe the product weight and package dimensions referenced are set in the ShipHero app settings. I will try to confirm this and get back to you.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


Hi @sh-agent

Sure, I will wait for your confirmation on the 11th point.

Adding to that, I have just 3 more questions:

  1. Can the shiphero customer using the account add extra fields ( which ever they want to pass ) to the GLW payload ?

  2. Can you explain a bit more for these 3 fields: order_id , partner_order_id , order_number ?

  3. Is there any way the shiphero customer can send expected delivery date of the package to the carrier using GLW payload ?


Hey @karan19sukhija,

Thanks for the quick reply.

Regarding points 1 and 3, the GLW Payload does not change. No additional fields can be added.

The order ID is the ShipHero-specific identification given to an order. This cannot be changed.

The Order Number is another way to reference a specific order, but the customer can set this value.

The partner_order_id is a field a customer can use to reference said Order in ShipHero using a different application’s Order ID. If you don’t plan to use this field this way, the customer can input whatever they’d like to.

For example, I’m planning to create an order in ShipHero via our Public API:

I set the Order Number as #100.
The Order exists in Shopify as Order #Shopify100.
I set the partner_order_id as #Shopify100. With this, I can now tell that this Order is the same as my Shopify Order,

After creating the Order, I can see that ShipHero has given the Order its unique ID, which is 390123.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


Hey @karan19sukhija,

Thanks for hanging in there!

Regarding #11 the GLW Payload sends the dimensions in inches and the SKU weight in ounces regardless of what app settings the customer has configured.

Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns.


Thanks, @sh-agent for all the valuable information. Appreciate that.

We are done with the development and now continue testing with our shipper using shiphero. Will touch base with you again if I encounter any issue in testing with GLW

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Hi @sh-agent ,

Is there any field in GLW that describes the declared insurance value of the item? I can see 2 fields in the payload, one is custom_value and the other is price in the line_items list.

Hey @karan19sukhija,

Thanks for hanging in there!
The declared insurance value is sent through the customs_value field.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


Cool, thanks @sh-agent . Also, is there any field that I can use in the GLW payload for the package’s expected delivery date?

Hey @karan19sukhija,

You’re welcome!
There is no field in the GLW Payload that sends the expected delivery date.

Let me know if there’s anything else I can assist with!


sure, thanks @sh-agent.

For the response section of the GLW, I can see fields such as cost, customs_info. Can you tell me a bit about these fields ? Also, does the response should have all those fields generated on the carrier side or we can omit some fields which are optional ?

Hey @karan19sukhija,

You are able to omit the non-mandatory fields in the response. The cost references the label cost of a package, while the customs_info if sent is usually a pdf of the packages customs document.

Please let me know if you require any additional info!


Thanks @sh-agent for the help

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