ExpirationLot `po_id` does not correspond to PurchaseOrder `node_id`

Hello :slight_smile:

Please view the following abridged payload from a PurchaseOrder request:


I am noticing that for some of our purchase_orders, the id of the purchase order UHVyY2hhc2VPcmRlcjoxNTk1MTg3 does not match the po_id of the expiration_lots attached to one of its line_items: UHVyY2hhc2VPcmRlcjoxNTgxNTkz.

Is the po_id of the expiration_lot a denormalized value of when the expiration_lot was first received? In this case, on a different PO?

Thank you!

Hey @kokua,

Thanks for reaching out!
I’ll look into this and get back to you with an update shortly.

Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to assist you in the meantime.


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Hey @kokua,

Thanks for hanging in there!

I’ve created an Engineering Ticket for this issue and will update you here when progress is made. It seems that the po_id field under the expiration_lots edge is returning the first po_id received there.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


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