Fail to query with first < 10

Hello guys,

If I query the GraphQL API with the relay parameters “first” < 10 the request just hangs.

This works:

{ orders(shop_name: "") { request_id complexity data(first:10, sort:"+order_date") { edges { node { id shop_name order_number fulfillment_status order_date } } } } }

This fails:

{ orders(shop_name: "") { request_id complexity data(first:9, sort:"+order_date") { edges { node { id shop_name order_number fulfillment_status order_date } } } } }

Can someone confirm that querying with first < 10 is working for them?

Thank you,

Hans Daigle

Hello @hansdaigle!
I just tested this and it is working for me (I copy-pasted your queries).
Would you please share the request ID of the failed query so I can trace the call?
Have a great day!

Hey @tomasfd,

I don’t have a request ID because it’s hanging and timeout. :frowning:

Did you try the first < 10 one? (you linked the first >=10 in your comment)

Try this one (you might need data for it to timeout):

{ orders(shop_name: "") { request_id complexity data(first:4, sort:"+order_date") { edges { node { id shop_name order_number fulfillment_status order_date } } } } }



Hello @hansdaigle!
Yes, I meant to quote both, sorry for that.
They were working for me in my test account. But now I tried to test your account, and I’m getting the timeout, after 180secs it ends the connection with an HTML 504 error. Is the same happening to you?
Have a nice day!

Hi @tomasfd,

Yes exactly, but it’s working for first > =10. Does it work for you when you go higher than 10?


Hi @hansdaigle!
I’ve been doing further testing, and I am experiencing the same, but my limit is 20. The query works for >=20, and I get the timeout for <20. Can you check this on your side? In case it changed now.
In the meantime, I will be escalating this issue as it seems to be a bug.
I appreciate your patience!

Hi @tomasfd,

=10 is still working for me, my script is set to pull exactly 10 orders every 5 minutes and it’s still running.

I do retry 3 times if I get a timeout though.

Thank you for digging into it, let me know when you have updates!
