Get All Available Quantity in all warehouses for specific account id

Hello Team,
i want to get total count of all available quantity in all warehouses for each SKU Per User.
is there a direct way to get this?
i used this graphql query , but it needs to be repeated many times because each time response has only 100 items. which affects the performance. even if what all I need is
{SKU:*** , Total Available Quantity in all warehouses: (*)).

@“query {” +
“warehouse_products(customer_account_id:"” + accountId + “"” + “) {”

  • @" request_id
    complexity " +
    “data (after:"” + next + “"” + @"){
    edges {
    node {
    product {


    thanks in advance.

Hello @ahmadMamdouh!

Have you tried using the inventory snapshot: Inventory-Snapshot – Developer Resources | ShipHero

This returns that data in a single file, although depending on the number of warehouses and customers, I recommend filtering by warehouse and customer and retrieving one file per combination.

Have a nice day!