Multiple billing email address

Hello ShipHero,

We would like to have multiple tracking email receiver to get follow up email by you. Does it support this kind of input? What kind of format we should give you? Thank you!


Hi @vegeman,
I am not sure I understand what you are asking. Are you asking about webhook information through an email?

Hello Theresa,

No, I’m trying to send multiple email at maybe billing address via API to let multiple customers receive order tracking email from ShipHero but I don’t know this feature is supported or not and if it is, how to implement it.

Theresa via ShipHero Community <>於 2021年10月5日 週二,下午11:05寫道:

Hi @vegeman,
This query will return both the tracking and the email of the order:

query {
  order(id:"<order id here>") {
    data {

Hello Theresa,

Sorry I didn’t clarify my question enough. The goal is sending multiple billing address email into an order because in our current flow, ShipHero will send tracking url email to billing email address and we want to have multiple receiver for this.

For now, our orders are created via API and I don’t know how to insert multiple email address into billing address.


We do not currently have that capability