Order_create failing when name contains substring 'null'

I am finding that the order_create mutation fails if the “shipping_address” or “billing_address” name elements (company_name, first_name, last_name) contain the substring ‘null’. For example, try to create an order for a customer with the name “Bill Gianulli”. This could be a problem with other fields as well.

Can you please confirm that the API will create an order for a shipping/billing address name containing the substring ‘null’

I dont have a request_id to inspect. I was hoping ShipHero support would test creating an order with ‘null’ in the name and confirm if it works.

Hey @bbarrett,

Thanks for reaching out!
I’ll go ahead and run some tests and let you know what I find.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


Hey @bbarrett,

Thanks for hanging in there!

I tested on my end and ran into no errors when inputting null into any name value when creating an order.

For reference:

shipping_address: {
        first_name: "Rayannull"
        last_name: "null"
        company: "Shipheronull"

billing_address: {
        first_name: "Rayannull"
        last_name: "null"

I also noticed you were using company_name, which isn’t a subfield of the shipping address as it is just company.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


Can you test this again where the test string does not begin or end in “null”. Rather, can you please test using a name that has “null” in the middle. Like the name I reported initially: Gianulli


Hey @bbarrett,

Sure thing.

I ran into no errors using these parameters with my order_create mutation:

 shipping_address: {
        first_name: "John"
        last_name: "Gianulli"

billing_address: {
        first_name: "John"
        last_name: "Gianulli"

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
