Order Create issue

I am using order create mutation for create order for particular customers.
Exp :-
order_create( data :{ order_number:“Test6” order_date:“15-10-0019” shipping_address:{ first_name:“Skubana " address1:“15 W 18th St” address2:”" city:“New York” state:“NY” zip:“10011” country:“US” email:"" phone:“8004445555” } billing_address:{ first_name:“Skubana” address1:"" address2:"" city:"" state:"" zip:"" country:"" email:"" phone:"" } line_items:[ { sku:“608819398648” product_name:“Vacuum Hose Fits Dyson DC25, 915677-01” quantity:1 price:“0.00” partner_line_item_id:“2” fulfillment_status:"" }] shipping_lines:{ method:“Parcel Plus Expedited” carrier:“DHL eCommerce” price:“0.00” title:"" } profile:“Manual Orders” customer_account_id : “QWNjb3VudDo” }){ request_id order{ order_number id}}}

using above mutation order created successfully but order not assigned with the customer.

How to resolve this .!

Getting this message in web portal

Issue has been resolved

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