We are using purchase_order_create mutation for ShipHero Fulfillment account. For some reason po_number in the request is ignored, and new po_number is always generated. It seems it used to work in the past, but something has changed recently. Is there an option to not generate new po_number in ShipHero and use po_number from the request?
Example request (po_number is ‘29’):
mutation {purchase_order_create (data:{po_date:“2022-04-29”,po_number:“29”,warehouse_id:“V2FyZWhvdXNlOjYxNTE2”,vendor_id:“VmVuZG9yOjQwODgwNQ==”,fulfillment_status:“draft”,line_items: [{sku:“SKUTEST”,quantity:5,price:“1”,expected_weight_in_lbs:“0”}],subtotal:“5”,shipping_price:“0”,total_price:“5”}) {request_id complexity purchase_order{id legacy_id po_number fulfillment_status}}}
Example response (po_number was changed to ‘SP1029413’)
Thank you