Hi varun!
Unfortunately, we don’t have that field for UpdateProductInput. You’ll have to use the sku field for updating that product info
As for adding Product entity to EntityType I submitted a request for it.
As soon as I have a response on that, I’ll let you know,
We currently cannot update SKUs using the api, and the reason is that we use SKU as the identifier for products.
But SKUs could be updated, but just from the Web app, on the Product detail page
Hi varun!
This is an update to let you know that Product and WarehouseProduct were added to EntityType.
So now, if you need to get a product id based on a legacy_id.
For example, for a product with legacy_id:1111111111, you can do:
query {
uuid(legacy_id: 1111111111, entity:WarehouseProduct) {
data {
And this should return the id and legacy_id
Thanks for the patience! and please let me know if theres anything else I can help with,