Shipment_create mutation pdf file won't open

Following this documentation Order Fulfillment – Developer Resources | ShipHero

I created a dummy shipment with my order_id and warehouse_id. The shipment shows in the order but if I click “View” for the label nothing loads. I used

label: {
          paper_pdf_location: ""

for the label. I also tried a label pdf file hosted on my own ftp server, neither opened. What are the requirement for linking to a label created elsewhere besides the url ending in file.extension?

Hey @sdwelrn ,

Thanks for reaching out!
I’ll look into this and get back to you as soon as I can.

Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns.


Hey @sdwelrn,

Thanks for hanging in there!

Could you try using the pdf_location field instead?

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


@sh-agent the ‘pdf_location’ field worked, thank you!

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