Valid url's for order_add_attachment mutation

I am trying to test the order_add_attachment mutation but I keep seeing the following error returned: “Please specify a valid url.”

I have tried both a png and pdf url, could you please provide some guidance as to what an acceptable url looks like?

My mutation looks as follows:

mutation {
        data: {
            order_id: "<order_id>"
            url: ""
    ) {
        attachment {

Hell @rypaul12,
Do you have a request ID for one of your attempts? Otherwise, can you share the account you are working in with me, privately, if you prefer? At least an email associated with it.
Have a nice day!

Yes, account_id QWNjb3VudDo3NDE0OQ==

Ah bug on my end, nevermind :slight_smile:

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