I need to know when the order status changes. Is there any option to register webhook for order status changes?
Also, Do we have the order status as Packed?
Please let me know.
Thanks in advance!
I need to know when the order status changes. Is there any option to register webhook for order status changes?
Also, Do we have the order status as Packed?
Please let me know.
Thanks in advance!
Hi @Venkatesh
Welcome to our Community!
We don’t have an order update webhook, the ones we have should be listed at Webhooks – Developer Resources | ShipHero
There is a webhook named Shipment Update which will trigger each time an order gets fulfilled/shipped and that might be useful to you depending on the flow you are using
Will this Packed status mean that the order was completed? In that case, it is named fulfilled in ShipHero.
Or is it Packed a custom status that doesn’t mean it has been fulfilled?
Thanks in advance!
I am able to see the Shipment update webhook in the Shiphero document. To register for the webhook event where I need to send my URL construction. So, that I can use it whenever the order gets shipped. And I need to know whether do you have any webhook once the order is fulfilled.
Hi @Venkatesh!
You will need to register by using a webhook create mutation
Something like this:
mutation {
webhook_create(data: {
name: "PO Update",
url: "https://someValidURL.com/webhook"
}) {
webhook {
(With your own URL)
This one will trigger when the order is fulfilled
Let me know if I got that part wrong or there is anything else I could help with.
Thanks again!
Does the “PO Update” get triggered when a “purchase order” or any order is created or updated? Because the documentation states:
This webhook will be called anytime a purchase order is created or updated.
Hey @chaher,
Thanks for reaching out!
The PO Update will trigger specifically when a ShipHero purchase order is created or updated. Our regular order’s can be tracked through various webhooks available at Webhooks – Developer Resources | ShipHero.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.