Allow Split with Automation Rules

We have multiple warehouses, and Allow Partial doesn’t allow orders to be ready to ship unless we also check Allow Split.

To ease this pain point, and likely other use cases where it would be helpful:

Could we get setting “Allow Split” value to be available in Automation Rules?

Hi @originsid!
We do have a setting that will set Allow Split by default for all of your orders, would that help with this?
Thanks in advance!

Hey @tomasw!

That sounds like a great workaround as long as that doesn’t also allow all orders to partial ship. We’d still need to select “Allow Partial” or have an automated rule set that value?

If so I think we want to enable that, would that affect existing orders or just new orders?

Thank you again!


Hey @originsid!
Replying also for this other thread, ideally, these requests are made through as they are not Public API related, but no worries I can still assist you with this

No, it should not interfere with Allow Partial orders, that setting what it does is it sets all the new orders to have Allow Split ON but doesn’t affect allow partial.

This would be for new orders.

The email associated with the ShipHero account is the same you have here, right? That way I could verify if you have this setting on and how many old orders you have to set to Allow Split.

Thanks again!

Hey @tomasw!
Thank you so much for your help, I’ll stick to API related things here.

I’ll reconnect with our support rep and ask if he can get that setting enabled for us and connect with you on it. I can see a setting for allowing partial by default (screenshot below), but my hunch is the setting for allow split by default is not one we can see/change ourselves.

Thank you!


That is correct @originsid! That other setting (Allow Split) needs to be enabled on the backend.
If your account is the one with this email, then it might be already ON for your account

Hey @tomasw!

The one with this email is our sandbox account, I don’t want to share the owner’s email here but I’m happy to work through support on this.

Thank you again!


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