Hi @originsid!
Would you need to update lists or just generate new ones, or would this be for setting/updating automation rules as well?
I’m not sure how possible that would be, or if we have the resources to work on this (at the moment you have to paste a CSV formatted text on https://app.shiphero.com/dashboard/automation-rules ), but I will submit an FR for the ability to generate a list on the automation rules section using a mutation.
We have an open support ticket on maintaining that list via CSV like we’ve done so far. The only trouble with that currently is that it’s allowing duplicates, so updating the list of values isn’t a quick process if we want to make sure we don’t keep adding redundant data. Ideally we’d like to eliminate the manual process of updating that entirely, so I took the next step and posted this topic
If we could add/remove values to these lists via API, that would fully cover our needs really. We don’t have a real use case for adding/updating/removing automated rules themselves and I can see how that would be a much bigger feature request.
If it’s clear enough, please submit an FR for the ability to update the values of a list on the automation rules section using a mutation. If there’s any more details we can provide about the business use case please let me know.
Sounds good, thanks for that explanation @originsid! Always a pleasure!
I made the request. Probably it won’t be to Edit an existing list, but to load a new one.
Either way, I will try to push for it and let you know if it gets approved by our engineers.
Thanks again!
@tomasw Okay, if that were paired with the ability to create automation rules I think that would be useful for a third party developer needing a way to easily deploy a solution involving rules and lists. It could also be useful if we were to develop a solution in our sandbox account, and then deploy the solution to our live account.
For our current purposes, we are using an automation rule that triggers on “Email address In List”, and we update that list regularly. It’s essentially a segment of our customer base. We can automate generating that list of email addresses using either our eCommerce platform or our CRM, so if we had a way to push the updated list into ShipHero via API that would be a big help.
Maybe adding/updating individual values would be difficult compared to creating a new list, if so do you think replacing all values in an existing list would be more likely to be approved?
The ability create our automation rules has crossed my mind more than once as well, most recently:
Trigger: If note field contains X
Action: Mark item X (if exists in order) as fulfilled
Hi @originsid@Atoms
Thanks for that feedback!
For the moment we won’t be able to add Automation Rules to the Public API because of the complexity of the task (we currently have our engineers focused on other higher priority tasks).
However, I did add this to our tracking list for Feature Requests (along with Billing and Lots & Expiration) for when we have the resources to resume adding features to the Public API.
I’m also leaving this open to see if there are more requests about it.
Unfortunately I don’t have an ETA on when this will happen, but when it does I will post here.
Thanks again for the patience and I apologize for the inconvenience!
Of course! While it does solve a couple of our problems it would create a far greater number of problems on your end, plus if the client uses that tool improperly it could create havoc very quickly.
Is there a separate FR for just managing the lists via API? That hopefully would be much quicker to implement, and that’s all we really have a business use case for at the moment.
@Atoms for the use case you described, there’s no way I know of to trigger an automated rule based on the contents of packer notes or gift notes. I think you’d want a process that involves querying for orders, including the packer notes in your result, and then executing mutations to fulfill the items. It may be a little tricky, so I’d likely look for a simpler way, possibly by just setting certain skus to auto-fulfill. Thank you for the direct message by the way, I’ll respond as soon as I can.
Sorry for the mixup, I did make a separate one for the list (that got turned down for the moment).
I will keep that part separate from the whole “Manage Automation Rules through Public API” request, and try to re-submit the request once we get past peak season and our engineering workload begins to get back to normal.
Thanks again for the patience!
Sounds perfect, definitely not something I’d expect your team to put time into with the holidays looming ahead of us but it could be a quick win for your next development cycle.