Automation Rules

Hello Shiphero,
we want to do a couple of things:

  1. We want create a 3PL account through API, is this possible?
  2. We are applying the same automation rules for each 3PL accounts.
    We wonder to know if we can apply the same set of rules every time we create a new 3PL account and not repeat the same manual configurations for these rules.

Please consider that our customers don’t interact direclty with shiphero they use our UI/APIs that connects to Shiphero. We don’t allow them to have direct access to Shiphero dashboard.

Thank you in advance.

Hey @jose,

Thanks for reaching out.
By 3PL Account do you actually mean 3PL Client Accounts (your customers)?

You are not able to create a 3PL Account or a 3PL Client Account through the Public API. I’ll double check if there’s a way to import/export Automation Rules but I don’t believe there is.

Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help in the meantime.
