I just noticed two orders sharing the same cursor values despite being created within 20 minutes of each other. Request ID for the newer order: 63ba42538c9506f319625213, Request ID for the older order: 63ba43816eab38ba9854aaa2
This creates a big constraint to query data. So far we had been querying data for 6-hour time intervals, and relying on using the cursor to determine where to pick up once the process restarts. However, if we are seeing cursors being reused within 20 minutes of each other, there is a bigger constraint created with unnecessary complications required to just ensure that all orders are being picked up completely.
Is there a way to estimate how frequently cursor values will be re-used? Or are they updated frequently? Is that why I am seeing the same cursor values within the same time interval? I don’t want it to be the case where if the order volume increases, we’d start seeing the same cursor value show up within 5-minute time intervals, when we have programmed it to check every 10-minutes…
This is how our queries are structured:
orders(fulfillment_status:"{fulfillment_status}" order_date_from:"{start_date}" order_date_to:"{start_date_plus_6_hours}") {{
data (first:10 after:"{cursor_of_last_order_pulled}")
EDIT: I am actually seeing it be used within 2 second intervals as well…
Request IDs: 63ba5753178b6f45b30fcf00, 63ba579c5ff0f3b0d68f8edb