API to generate token, https://public-api.shiphero.com/auth/token , is failing with error
{“message”: “Unexpected error. Please contact a system administrator.”}
Hi @sunny.lakhmani !
Is the email you are using sunny.lakhmani@springrole.com ?
And also, what are you using to make that request (for example, I use Postman for this type of request)
Is the request formatted as in https://developer.shiphero.com/getting-started/#authentication ?
Thanks in advance,
Same request as mentioned the docs
curl -X POST -H “Content-Type: application/json” -d
‘{ “username”: “email”,
“password”: “password”
Response - {" message": “Unexpected error. Please contact a system administrator.”}
Is it for email sunny.lakhmani@springrole.com?
Also, what is it that you are sending as Headers (2) ?
yes its for sunny.lakhmani@springrole.com.
No Headers are sent in the request.
Thanks for that
So you should be sending it as a JSON. You can do this by adding this to the header:
(Or by changing it on your screenshot from Text to JSON)
Was this resolved? I am having the same issue
Have you changed the header to Content-Type application/json?
Hi Theresa, yes I have. Tried urlencoded as well but no luck
Are you using postman? If you could post a screenshot with sensitive information blacked out?
Hi Jeff,
Can we continue through support@shiphero.com? It is more secure, just let them know that we were working together in the community and the rep will assign it to me. Thanks in advance!