We are getting the following issue while creating new order at Shiphero. We have this SKU exist at our Inventory => Products and also we are passing the correct warehouse_id with which we are authorized.
Invalid warehouse_id in order line item with SKU XXXXX
Is it required to pass warehouse_id in line_items, Can we omit it?
Can you please check what is the reason we are getting this issue?
Thanks in advance! 
Hi @khungersumit
Please send over a request id so we can work together on a specific example. Thank you!
Hi @Theresa
Here is request_id
Can you please check it urgently, we are facing some serious issue
also, some orders have been added but we are not able to see them at the warehouse but we can retrieve these using API.
{“errors”:[{“message”:“Invalid warehouse_id in order line item with sku AD-850-B”,“operation”:“order_create”,“field”:“order_create”,“request_id”:“6103c0999c83dbc7b4a14774”,“code”:3}],“data”:{“order_create”:null}}
AD-850-B would be in the warehouse of your 3PL, not the one listed in your account. You can get the correct warehouse by using this query:
query {
product(sku: "AD-850-B") {
data {
warehouse_products {
Thanks for replying @Theresa 
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