Packer Errors via API?

Wondering if it’s possible to get reported packer errors via API (much like Reports -> Packer Errors in the Dashboard).
If the info is available underneath shipments, shipment labels, or shipment line items then that would likely work for us too

Thank you!


Hi @originsid
I just submitted a feature request for this (both alternatives).
As for the second alternative which I think it might be easier to add, it would look something like this:

query {
  shipments(order_id: "141683690") {
    data(first: 1) {
      edges {
        node {
          shipping_labels {

Where the packer_errors section will contain the error itself for that shipping label.

I will let you know as soon as I get a response about this.

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Hi again @originsid
Unfortunately, the request has been turned down.
The reason is that at the moment we don’t have the resources to make this possible, and we are focusing our resources on preparing for our peak season as well as optimizing the performance of the API.
However, I will keep this post in case we get more requests about it. We will also keep an internal track of this for our leadership team for when we are able to work on new projects, but I won’t expect that to happen this year.
Thanks again!

+1 for this feature. Most company doing performance bonuses/reviews will need this data.

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