Product with sku already exist for product create mutation

I am trying to create the product in shiphero using product create mutation, and am getting error A product with sku already exists and in the shiphero dashboard while searching by the SKU i cant find the product.
Request id is 61a765ab4184b73460587de2 and code is 6

Hello @saif_storage!
I hope you are having a great day!

I checked the inventory in both the child account and the 3PL, and I can see the product in the warehouse selected in the payload.

Can you confirm this?

Kind regards,

Yes @tomasfd you might be able to find this now. This product was in the system initially and then we removed this product and when tried to re-import the product via api we got this issue.
For further debugging we tried to create the product with same sku from shiphero portal and after filling the sku we saved the product and all the details were same as deleted product in the newly created product except some minor changes in the name.
I hope I explained properly

Hello @saif_storage!
I appreciate your patience with this issue!
I’ve been trying to reproduce this, but I might be missing something.
Do you think you could set it up for me to test in your account?
Have a nice day!