Returns: statuses and label_type

I have a few questions regarding Returns.

  1. Can you describe the meaning of each Return status below? I am trying to determine how to detect when a Return has been “Received” so that it is now considered an “Item Receipt”. But I would like to know the meaning of each status:
Exchange Complete
Refund Complete
Refund Required
Return To Sender
Store Credit Required
Warehouse Complete
  1. What is the meaning of label_type for a Return? Since this is a required field, which type should I use or how can I determine what to use? From the GraphQL API Documentation:

enum ReturnLabelType {

Hi @nturk !

  1. Those status are defined in the web app, here, and from that list, they are mostly custom statuses which will depend on the flow you are using on your warehouse.
    They can be deleted or added as needed.

  2. As for the return label type it will depend on the type of label you are trying to generate, in this case:
    FREE: It means that the label you are trying to generate has no cost.
    PAID: It will have some cost.
    SELF_RETURN: This means that the customer is going to make a self-return.
    FLAT_RATE: when you are using a flat rate.

Let me know if this doesn’t help or there’s anything else I can assist you with,

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