Update product images


we are using Rest API. We need to update some product images using the API. Is that possible?

Good morning Darius!
Unfortunately, we don’t have that option for Rest API or GraphQL API right now.
I will go ahead and submit a request for this feature to be added to the GraphQL API, however, for the Rest API we are no longer taking feature requests, as are migrating to GraphQL API and the Rest API will be deprecated.
I’ll let you know as soon as the feature goes live. Please let me know if there is anything else we can assist you with,

Tom W.

Darius I apologize for the confusion, I just checked with the team, and you should be able to update product images using our Rest API.
You could do this by sending in a “images” array with the update-inventory REST endpoint.
Keep in mind that by default it will then delete all images not sent in (so it replaces all current images). If you don’t want this to happen, you could send in “dont_delete_images”:True
Please let me know if there is anything else we could help you with,
Tom W

Thank you, we will try that.

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