Hello, if I create a shipping label, but an order ends up getting cancelled, will I get information about this shipping label via the shipping update webhook? Or should I be listening to the order cancelled update too, and then query those orders individually?
Hello @saladass4254!
Are you referring to canceling the order after a shipment was created or voiding the label?
Have a nice day!
Hello @tomasfd I am referring to getting information about voided labels
Hello @saladass4254!
Unfortunately, there is no webhook that triggers on label voided.
KInd regards,
Hi Tomas,
are you planning to add this webhook?
We also need to be able to void UPD and Fedex labels via API when voided in Shiphero.
If no webhook is available, what other option to ew have to get voided labels so we can void them with the carriers?
Thank you
Hey @veraioele,
Thanks for reaching out!
A void label webhook is not in the current agenda. You can query by shipments to see the shipping label status, but you will have to pull all the shipments as there is no way to sort them by if the label has been voided.
Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to assist.
HI Rayan, can “voided” filter be added to the shipments query?
Thank you
Hey Vera!
I will pass along that feedback to the team.
Hi Rayan, kindly following up.
Hey @veraioele,
Thanks for hanging in there!
In regards to the addition of the “void” filter to the shipments query, I have no updates to share at the moment.
Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to assist in the meantime.