We use Auto return labels for a lot of our products, but the destination address for the return label pulls from the return warehouse set in Settings > Returns.
There should be an option to select warehouse for return label destination address.
I’m thinking a dropdown below “On/Off” with a list of active warehouses. Select input would default to “Default Return Warehouse” for current functionality.
Hi @garret!
I wanted to let you know I created a Feature Request for this.
As a heads up, this might require a lot of work (because we don’t have the ability of choosing different warehouses for auto-return labels at the moment), so I’m not sure it will get approved, but its worth a try
I will let you know as soon as I get a response about it.
Just a bump if this can be done. Danielle with SFN is creating manual batches nightly for us to be able to have a different return address for certain auto-return labels. She’s great! But automation supporting multi-warehouse would help us a ton.
Just checking in if there’s an update here.
Is the data saved in a way we can override this with the API?
Just looking to change the return address for a certain SKU via automation, that way Danielle doesn’t have to do it manually
Hi @garrett!
I apologize for the delayed update about this.
It has been approved, and its currently assigned to an Engineer, but he wasn’t able to make any progress on this yet.
I will let you know as soon as he provides an update about it.
Thanks again for the patience!