Not sure if this is the right place to ask this question. Aplogies in advance. What would I be doing with a such a connection to my 3pl provider. Would I be able to pass order in shiphero to the 3pl to fulfill?
Hey @Smoko_enson,
Thanks for reaching out and welcome to our Developer Community!
Are you asking what mutations are available to a ShipHero child account?
If a child account creates an order via the Public API, the information will also display in the 3PL’s account just like it would when creating an order from
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
I currently use a 3pl to fulfill my wholesale orders. I currently send the order informatiin to the 3pl by email. How would I utilize the api to send this information automarically when a order is create in shiphero?
Hey @Smoko_enson,
Thanks for the quick reply.
I want to confirm that by sending orders via email, you mean sending an email with the order details and product and shipping information to your 3PL.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Yes. This is my current process and I am wondering if a API connection would allow me to transmit this information from shiphero.