We migrated from REST API to GraqhQL API recently.
Comparing to legacy API, we found line_items data missing occasionally by purchase_order command.
PO legacy_id = 549897, normally it has 19 line_items, and one SKU is 2002M403GYS/M.
The 2002M403GYS/M item data is missing when purchase_order command was requested at 19:02 yesterday, which means we only got 18 items at that time. But the data exists in the previous query and next query.
Same situation happened recently to others line_items (in different PO), eg. 2002K414LNM,2001S998BKXS,2002Q960GYM, etc.
Can you please check this issue and let me know the resolution.
Hi @Jarvis!
Is there any chance you might have the request_id from when you saw the 18?
Or in case it happens again you can provide that exact request_id?
Thanks in advance!
Thanks for the those requests_id’s @Jarvis!
At a simple look, I’m not seeing see anything off, but I will continue to investigate this.
Thanks again for the patience!
Hi @Jarvis!
I just wanted to provide an update on this.
Are you still seeing those missing line items?
The reason I ask is that we are still unable to reproduce. So far we have tried by running the same PO query multiple times a day and we cannot make it occur.
Also, the reason why we reproduce is that we store the request but not the response to the mutations.