MWA rules for backordered SKUs

Assume I have two warehouses set up - Warehouse A and Warehouse B. I am reaching our to better understand how MWA rules would work. If I set up MWA rules such that

  1. Assign warehouse to line item wherever inventory is available for the particular SKU in an order.
  2. For backordered line items/SKUs, assign Warehouse B (default warehouse)

Discussion Scenario:

  1. An order with SKU ‘ABC’ is placed. No inventory is physical available in any warehouse so the Warehouse B will get assigned to SKU.
  2. Now the inventory is received in Warehouse A.
  3. Question: Will Shiphero reassign warehouse on the pending order with SKU ‘ABC’ and assign Warehouse A to this SKU now (because inventory is received there)?
  4. Question: How does the shiphero system react to when inventory is received in Warehouse A, and a new Order is created for the same SKU? Would this new (second) order take the inventory in Warehouse A or would the previous Order take up this inventory?

P.S: I have attached an image of the MWA rule I have set up to mimic the warehouse assignment I have mentioned earlier (disabled for now)

Hi @ksmlaam

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Have a nice day!