Order not found

Using the same bearer token I am first calling

{orders(fulfillment_status:“unfulfilled”) {complexity request_id data(first:10 after:“YXJyYXljb25uZWN0aW9uOjQ5”) {pageInfo {hasNextPage hasPreviousPage startCursor endCursor}edges {node {id partner_order_id order_date order_number shop_name account_id fulfillment_status}}}}}

This returns and includes order with id : T3JkZXI6MTk2MjIzODA4
“request_id”: “62febd04e6d13ebe5a78aba9”

Then calling this with the same bearer token

{order(id: “T3JkZXI6MTk2MjIzODA4”) {complexity request_id data {account_id id shop_name order_number partner_order_id order_date fulfillment_status profile shipping_address {first_name last_name email phone} line_items(first: 1 ) {pageInfo {hasNextPage hasPreviousPage startCursor endCursor} edges {node {partner_line_item_id product_name sku fulfillment_status quantity quantity_pending_fulfillment quantity_shipped backorder_quantity price promotion_discount barcode created_at warehouse_id}}}}}}

returns “message”:“Order not found”

“request_id”: “62febd803ef5b3677b58e324”

Why am I getting “Order not found” in the second query? The order exists and was returned in the first query.

Hey @bbarrett,

Thanks for reaching out. I’ll take a look at this and get back to you shortly.


Hey @bbarrett,

Thanks for hanging in there.
I’m going to go ahead and escalate this issue to our Engineering Team. It seems like just that specific order won’t return.

I’ll keep you posted on the updates as they come in.


It actually happens with several orders. I just gave you one example. Using the same 3PL parent API keys I am calling:


to fill a list of order ids. I then iterate each id and call


to get each order’s details. There are several orders returned in the first “orders” query that return “Order not found” when calling “order” with the id. Try using our account to perform the above queries using a 3PL parent key. I expect you will see the same thing.


Hey @bbarrett,

Thank you for the additional examples.
Wow. I’ll continue investigating this as well as bump this issue.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


What is your schedule for looking at this?

Hey @bbarrett,

Our engineers are looking into this as we speak. I’ll keep you updated as things progress.


Hey @bbarrett,

Thanks for hanging in there!
I believe this issue is now fixed. Could you let me know if you’re still running into any problems here?
