PO webhook keeps retrying despite 200 response

I registered a “PO update” webhook but I noticed it keeps retrying 5 times despite returning a response with 200 status code in under 10 seconds.
I couldn’t flag any difference in the data I’m receiving from the webhook
can you let me know if there’s anything I’m missing and what might be causing this retry pattern?

Hey @Ahmed,

Thanks for reaching out!
Could you share the PO ID that you are using to test the webhook?

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


Hey Ryan,

I’ve been experiencing this for a lot of purchase orders, sharing some example PO IDs:


from what I investigated, there were multiple retry calls with a time difference of less than 10 seconds between retries from all these Purchase Orders, can you let me know if these were actual updates or retries?


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Hey @Ahmed,

Thanks for the additional info.
Looking into those PO’s now.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


Hey @Ahmed,

Thanks for hanging in there.

I’ve decided to escalate this issue to our Engineering Team. I was able to see a second trigger within the same second as the first trigger for the examples.

I’ll keep you posted as more information comes my way.
Please let me know If you have any questions or concerns.
