Search products by tag

Is there any way to search the products via tags? I am aware that we can search via SKU but the same query with tags is not working. Is it feasible? We have some products with specific tags and we need to fetch those only.

Hey @saif_storage,

It’s great to see you here on the Community Site again!
I do not believe that it is currently possible to query products by tag. I’ll go ahead and make a feature request for this however, I’m unable to give a concrete time frame for this.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


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@sh-agent thanks for reverting back, its great you added a feature request for this.
Apart from this I am facing another error when trying to create the product via create product mutation and getting the error {“message”: “Unexpected error. Please contact a system administrator.”} nothing else coming in the response.
Can you help with this please

Hey @saif_storage,

If there’s no request id, would you mind sending your exact mutation and the email that’s associated with the token you’re using?


Hey @saif_storage,

Thanks for hanging in there!

Would we be able to use your account to run some tests? Running into some difficulty on our end trying to figure out exactly what’s causing that error.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


Hello @sh-agent , yes please run the tests.

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Hey @saif_storage,

I was able to create the product in your account by making the inventory_bin field empty. I believe this is happening because that field is meant for accounts that are static slotting. If you wanted to add a bin to this product, I believe the best way to do so would be to a run the inventory_add mutation.

Example Mutation:
mutation { inventory_add( data: { sku: "option-1" warehouse_id: "14805" quantity: 0 location_id: "Your location id here" } ) { request_id complexity warehouse_product { id legacy_id account_id sku warehouse_id warehouse_identifier } } }

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!
