Shipping Box field in the API


In the dashboard, the shipments report has a field called “Shipping Box” that tells us what kind of box was used to pack a shipment. Sometimes it’s something like 8x4x4, other times it’s “Flat Rate Envelope” or “Bubble Mailer.” I’m looking to find the same field in the API, but I’ve so far been unsuccessful. I found shipment > shipping_labels > box_code, but the only useful one it comes back with is “FlatRateEnvelope”. Everything else just comes back with a box_code of “02”. We use this information for trying to forecast how many of each box/mailer type we need in the coming months.

Can anyone point me to the correct location for the equivalent of the “Shipping Box” column in the API, please?

Before someone suggests, “Just use the shipments report,” I can’t. For us, the report was moved from the dashboard to the endeavour app, and even though the shipping box column displays on the screen, it doesn’t export with the CSV. I need several months worth, and screen scraping isn’t a good option.


Hi @jeremyw
I apologize for the delayed response.
I have already submitted a Feature Request for this to be added, because it is not currently available.
At the moment, the only workaround I can think go is that we only display the box_id, which is Base64 encoded, and it should match the id of the box you see at if you select a Box, the id should display in the URL above, something like

On the other hand, CSV now should be exportable from but let me know if you still have trouble with that.
I will let you know as soon as I have a response to this request.
Thanks again!

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Hey @tomasw! I just wanted to check to see if there was any update or what the current status is on this.

I tried decoding the box_id, but it doesn’t match anything in the shipping boxes screen. For example, there’s one that is “QXZhaWxhYmxlQm94OjQzOTQ=”, which decodes to “AvailableBox:4394”, but we have no listings in the shipping box screen that show “AvailableBox:4394” in any of the columns.

Also, we’re also trying to get away from the CSV export from the shipments report screen because we’d like to automate pulling this information every day, even on days when I may not be in the office.


Hi @jeremyw!
I apologize for this, it looks like the ticket was not displaying on our board so it was not reviewed yet.
I just moved fixed that and raised priority to be reviewed next.
Thanks again for the patience and I will let you know asap

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Hey @tomasw ! While I’m hanging around today, I thought I’d ask about an update on this one. So… any update? :slight_smile: Thanks!

Hi @jeremyw!
I apologize for the delayed response about this :pray: I completely missed this one!

Unfortunately, we won’t be able to add this field. Currently, the only way of doing that is going:

query {
  shipment(id: "99384613") {
    data {
      shipping_labels {

And that box_id is the one displayed on the URL on the Boxes page and for the shipments report it should be displaying under Shipping Box.

I apologize once again for the delayed resolution of this and for the inconvenience.
Thanks again!

Hi @tomasw

I feel like we’re seeing different things here, so maybe I’m misunderstanding something.

When I run this query:

query {
  shipment(id: "U2hpcG1lbnQ6MTMyMzIyNzE3") {
    data {
      shipping_labels {

I get back this result:

  "data": {
    "shipment": {
      "request_id": "6038ea439faffc6ddfa4986f",
      "complexity": 1,
      "data": {
        "shipping_labels": [
            "box_id": "QXZhaWxhYmxlQm94OjQ2MTE="

This box_id line, if I base64 decode it, comes up as “AvailableBox:4611”. That doesn’t match anything we have in the shipping boxes screen you linked above, and the URL does not have anything that looks remotely like the encoded or decoded versions. This was from an order that the shipments report shows went via a “Flat Rate Envelope”. I’m just really not seeing how the box_id ties to what is in the shipment.

What am I missing?

Hi @jeremyw!
I apologize for the delayed response about this!

That box should be available for you at

I believe that should also display on the Shipment report as Box ID 4611 which is named 1092

Let me know if you were making reference to another shipment maybe or another Box.
Thanks again!

And we’ve come full circle! :joy: Since I originally posted this in August 2020, the dashboard was finally fixed and now shows the box type. But… in the time between I’ve also been trying to automate our exports from ShipHero, which I can only do via the API. So while I know the box is available in the shipments report, I need to be able to get it from the API so that I can get the automation under way. :man_shrugging: But since it is not available in the API, and sounds like it won’t ever be, I’m stuck.