Using 2 different UPS carrier account

I’m trying to import orders in CSV format for one of our users on shiphero and we need a tracking number in return after importing, which will be used to track orders via UPS. We are trying to implement this via APIs of GraphQL. We are using “shipment_create” mutation to initiate our shipment module, while doing so I’ve to provide carrier details in the format below.

mutation { shipment_create( data: { order_id: “1203948237” warehouse_id: “V2FyZWhvdXNlOjY1NDU=” address: { name: “John” address1: “2543 Johnson St.” address2: “Apt. 2” city: “Oklahoma” state: “Oklahoma” zip: “73008” country: “US” phone: “5555555555” } line_items: { line_item_id: “111223344”, quantity: 1 } labels: { address: { name: “John” address1: “2543 Johnson St.” address2: “Apt. 2” city: “Oklahoma” state: “Oklahoma” zip: “73008” country: “US” phone: “5555555555” } carrier: “UPS” shipping_name: “UPS - Ground” shipping_method: “Ground” cost: “0.00” dimensions: { weight: “12”, height: “12”, width: “12”, length: “12” } label: { paper_pdf_location: “exampleurlcom” thermal_pdf_location: “” pdf_location: “” } line_item_ids: “111223344” tracking_number: “1234434242444444434” } notify_customer_via_shiphero: true notify_customer_via_store: true shipped_off_shiphero:true profile: default } ) { request_id complexity shipment { id legacy_id order_id user_id warehouse_id pending_shipment_id address { name address1 address2 city state country zip phone } picked_up needs_refund refunded delivered shipped_off_shiphero dropshipment created_date line_items(first: 2) { edges { node { id line_item_id quantity } } } } } }

The issue is, we’ve two UPS carrier account. How can we use one of them separately for one of the clients?

Thank You

Hi @vikram!
In this case, it doesn’t matter actually because on the UI we will be displaying the label and the tracking number. It doesn’t make a difference to which UPS account was used for the shipment.
Let me know if that doesn’t help.
Thanks in advance!