What to use instead of ready_to_ship

Hi, according documentation the order.ready_to_ship is deprecated. What I can use instead this field?

Hi @varun!
I apologize for the delayed response to this.
We don’t have a field to replace this with at the time, I will ask for more insight about this deprecation and will let you know.
Thanks in advance for the patience

Hi @tomasw ,

Is there a correct field/method to know if an order is ready to ship?


Hi @david!
We don’t currently have that field available.
We are in the process of adding some other fields that will help us know if an order is RTS (Order in tote, merged with others, etc.)
When this gets implemented we can develop a strategy to find out if an order is RTS using queries.

The reason this got deprecated in the first place is mostly because of the complexity of calculating that specific value, which depends on a lot of variables.

I will provide an update as soon as those other variables are available.
Thanks for the patience while we add this!

Hi @tomasw ,

That totally makes sense, thanks!

Any news on a replacement for the Ready to Ship query?

EDIT: This was released see this thread.

This is an example:

query {
  orders(ready_to_ship: true) {
    data {
      edges {
        node {
          allocations {