Allocated Warehouse vs Locked Warehouse


When my business user was validating the orders in the test environment created with the mutation “create_order” they noticed a difference that I can’t quite explain what it means. The orders in the test environment have the “Locked Warehouse” filled in as the one I provide in the line items for “warehouse_id”. However, in the production environment does not display “Locked warehouse” but has “Allocated Warehouse”.


So, what is the difference between these 2 fields?

I know about the MWA but those settings can not be accessed in the test environment and as I understand they will just overwrite anything that has been set with the API.


Hi @erik

You are correct in everything you say!

There is a difference between the two accounts. The test account does not have the two flags that the production environment has.

  1. Multi-Warehouse
  2. Multi-Warehouse-Allocation

I can enable those for the test environment if you want. Just let me know, and I’ll turn the switch on

Have a nice day!

Hi Luis,

2 days in a row :slight_smile:

Yes please activate them in our test environment. I think it is best to try and set-up the integrations between environment that look and act the same as the production environments. Not sure if you need any extra info but our test account id is: QWNjb3VudDo3OTEzNg==

Can you mimic the settings as much as possible from account id: QWNjb3VudDo3MTQ5Mw==


Hi @erik

I enabled both flags.
However, the test environment, being a sandbox account, can’t be linked to a 3PL like there is in the production account.

Nevertheless, the original question is solved, and the orders look the same in both environments.

Have a nice day!

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